The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
Local Page of the Editor in Chief

This page is, last update 02 Dec. 2010.

For a list of papers currently scheduled for publication in JFAA (as well as contents of previous issues),
see online first on Springer Verlag's LINK system

Notes to authors

Please disregard previous instructions at this site concerning journal style, macros and copyright forms (the publishing workflow for JFAA has been recently changed, these matters are now handled by the typesetting company).

The following still apply:

Authors are requested to carefully check their bibliographic references, using e.g.

Manuscripts have to be submitted by email to the editorial office (not directly to the editors) , including the following items as attachments:

  1. A short, self-contained abstract (containing no references and, if possible, no mathematical formulas) as a text file.
  2. A LaTeX file of the paper, including the abstract as well as keywords and AMS-classification numbers. Please avoid using macro packages. Figures can be included as PicTeX or separately as EPS- or TIFF-files (compressed or uncompressed, Windows byte order). If the file is very large or contains a large number of figures, please contact the editorial office before submitting.
  3. A PDF or PS version of the manuscript, if possible.

Please note that the publisher charges for printing articles containing colour images (colour in the online version of the article is free).

Authors should understand that, in view of the backlog situation and for reasons of fairness, as a rule one person will be allowed to have at most one paper (multi- or single author) per volume. Therefore, authors are discouraged from quickly submitting follow-up papers, except in exceptional circumstances.

Email address:
Postal mailing address:
The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna
Nordbergstrasse 15
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Submission of a paper represents that the paper has not been submitted elsewhere. Standard copyright assignments will be made by authors.
Reprints: There are no page charges.

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